Cincinnati M2MT

M2MT: MIA to Modbus TCP

M2MT communicating via ethernet
M2MT talks ethernet with Acramatic racks!

M2MT allows your new LinuxCNC controller to talk ethernet with a legacy Acramatic 850 Machine Interface Assembly (MIA)

  • Save expense of new I/O modules
    • Save time and aggravation of rewiring
      • Eliminate debugging of wiring errors

M2MT is our first new product to help Acramatic 850 users upgrade Cincinnati Milacron machines to LinuxCNC (or any other ethernet-enabled control). We are still working on final details of the product, but prototypes are up and running in test, controlling actual Acramatic AC and DC input and output modules in the lab.

Testing I/O Modules
Testing I/O Modules

If you have Cincinnati heavy iron, or any other machine using Acramatic 850 control, and are thinking about retrofitting, please contact us to discuss how we can help ease the conversion.


  • Initial testing complete
  • Further testing planned for late 2020

M2MT Features:

  • Fast industry-standard 10/100baseT ethernet interface can connect to virtually any modern computer!
  • Adds MPG (Manual Pulse Generator) interface… supports handwheel and 8 digital inputs
  • Powerful 120MHz ARM microcontroller for rapid I/O and communications
  • Supports a full rack of discrete I/O modules (up to 128 points!)
  • Interfaces an MIA rack to LinuxCNC using Modbus TCP (via MB2HAL or ClassicLadder)
  • Designed to be affordable and reliable!
Another 3D rendering of the M2MT board
M2MT Prototype

Note: M2MT is intended only to interface through a dedicated ethernet interface. M2MT should never be placed on any type of open, public, shared, or interconnected network.