Acramatic I/O Module List

Cincinnati Milacron designed a wide variety of I/O modules to fit the “Acramatic 850″ MIA (Machine Interface Assembly) racks.

Cincinnati MIA Rack

Example Acramatic 850 MIA Rack

We’ve never found a list of known Cincinnati part numbers in one place, so maybe you will find this a handy reference.

We have tested with the most common modules, which are…

Basic Digital I/O

  • 3-531-3891A DCI : DC digital input (24 Vdc x 8 ch)
  • 3-531-3972A DCO: DC digital output (24 Vdc transistor x 8 ch)
  • 3-531-3855A ACI: AC digital input (120Vac x 8 ch)
  • 3-531-3839A ACO: AC digital output (120Vac triac x 8 ch)
  • 3-531-3878A RCO: RELAY CONTACTS OUT (8 ch)

We haven’t tested the following modules yet, but they will probably work…

  • 3-531-4416A PIO Rev. A Probe Interface

Our A850 interface hardware may be able to support other I/O types. This might be implemented later, depending on whether we see any interest…

Analog I/O

  • 3-531-3957A Thermocouple Interface
  • 3-531-3915A Analog-Digital Converter
  • 3-531-4075A Digital-Analog Converter

Our hardware is unlikely to support the following less common modules, as there are probably better ways to implement these interfaces.

User Interface Expansion

  • 3-531-3973A CRT Module


  • 3-531-4267A IBA: I/O Bus Assembly
    (our ADD-A850 or M2MT make this module obsolete!)
  • 3-531-4189A Register Serial
  • 3-531-4306A Communication Module Board


  • 3-531-4237A Bulk Data Storage Module
  • 3-531-3911A – DC Motor Module

These are all the modules we know about! If we’ve missed anything, please let us know.

[ updated 2022.05.03]