Controls Survey Help us determine future projects! Tell us the CNC controls you most want us to support… Fanuc 0T/M15T/Mi seriesother Cincinnati Milacron Acramatic 850850sxother Okuma OSP500OSP700OSB3000other Yasnac LX-1/MX-1LX-2/MX-2LX-3/MX-3i80other Mazatrol T1Fusion 640other For any control not listed, please explain in the comments area! Retrofit status SeriousEvaluating optionsJust looking Timeframe Immediate3 months3-6 months12 months1+ year Any Comments, Explanation, Wishlists? Your Name (optional) Your Email (optional) May we infrequently email you with info on new projects? Yes Please leave this field empty. Please prove you are human by selecting the cup. (requires access for characters)